3 hours ago
Amboi korang..dengar je kawen,cepat je terjah ek?hihi..ape2 hal pun,baca dulu kat bawah ni...terima kasih!
mendapati bukan sahaja asap rokok pasif amat berbahaya kepada
kanak-kanak terutamanya bayi, malahan bau asap rokok yang melekat pada
baju perokok atau mereka yang berada di kawasan merokok juga amat
berbahaya kepada kanak-kanak terutamanya bayi.
Oleh itu jauhkan pakaian yang berbau rokok dari anak-anak serta bayi anda. Risiko ini dipanggil “Thirdhand Smoke” - TKO
Thirdhand Smoke: Growing Awareness of Health Hazard
We know that smoking and secondhand smoke exposure are harmful, but what about "thirdhand smoke"? This is a relatively new term used to describe the residual contamination from tobacco smoke that lingers in rooms long after smoking stops and remains on our clothes after we leave a smoky place.
It may seem merely like an offensive smell, but it is also indicative of the presence of tobacco toxins. Thirdhand smoke consists of the tobacco residue from cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products that is left behind after smoking and builds up on surfaces and furnishings.
Tobacco smoke is composed of numerous types of gasses and particulate matter, including carcinogens and heavy metals, like arsenic, lead, and cyanide. Sticky, highly toxic particulates, like nicotine, can cling to walls and ceilings. Gases can be absorbed into carpets, draperies, and other upholsteries.
A 2002 study found that these toxic brews can then reemit back into the air and recombine to form harmful compounds that remain at high levels long after smoking has stopped occurring. There is a growing body of evidence that this lingering tobacco residue has significant health risks.
People, especially children and hospitality industry workers, can have considerable exposure to it. As confirmed by the 2006 Surgeon General's Report, there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. And tobacco smoke toxins remain harmful even when breathed or ingested after the active smoking ends.
A study published in February 2010 found that thirdhand smoke causes the formation of carcinogens. The nicotine in tobacco smoke reacts with nitrous acid - a common component of indoor air - to form the hazardous carcinogens. Nicotine remains on surfaces for days and weeks, so the carcinogens continue to be created over time, which are then inhaled, absorbed or ingested.(Teruskan pembacaan di : )
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